About US

Hi! I’m Dharmedra Kumar Sahu. I’m a Software Solution Consultant, UI Designer and Entrepreneur. I did my Post Graduation from NITK Surathkal, karnataka, India and Currently working as a Software Solution Consultant. I am holding various Technical & Business Certificates like AWS, Agile, SCJP (Sun Certified Java Developer, SCWCD (Sun Certified Web Component Developer, eDiscovery Business Certified, IBM Cúram Certified Developer 6.0.4 & 5.2, IBM Cúram Business Analyst 6.0.5, Mongoose DB using Java (M101J) and Project Management Certified.

I help social enterprise project to build and provide services like Food Stamp, Medicaid, Health Exchange, TANF and many others citizen related WIN_20150523_182501needs.

I’m also a social activist and providing knowledge sharing documents and videos.

I love watching political debates and trying to get facts about news.

You can contact me, if you want to discuss about social enterprise and related documents.

All participants are welcome to share their valuable knowledge and thoughts in “knowledgewala.com”, please send me your thoughts using Contact US option or email me.

Author Name: Dharmendra Kumar Sahu

Email ID: dknitk@rediffmail.com

GitHub URL: https://github.com/dknitk

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dharmendra-sahu-22188b1a

All certifications are available at below URL. Please click on it to navigate the Page –



Note: Thanks a lot Google and Many other websites which contributed to develop “knowledgewala.com” directly or indirectly.