

The value of knowledge sharing to an organization is well known, yet much of the knowledge within an organization remains unshared. This article focuses on the critical role that the leader of a team plays in facilitating knowledge sharing within a team. It looks at the role of leadership and trust in knowledge sharing and makes recommendations that can be used to increase knowledge sharing within organizational teams. LOC professionals can utilize these recommendations to help organizations enhance team performance and strengthen their competitive advantage by leveraging the collective knowledge of a team.

Knowledge_Translation_iStock_000017161665XSmall.jpgKnowledge sharing is a critical component of knowledge management. Knowledge management is generally referred to as the way an organization creates, retains and shares knowledge. Knowledge sharing is the process by which individuals exchange tacit and explicit knowledge in order to create new knowledge (Van den Hooff & De Ridder, 2004). Knowledge sharing can occur between individuals, within teams and across the organization. Research supports the idea that cognitive resources available within a team will be underutilized if knowledge is not shared (Argote, 1999). Therefore knowledge sharing is a critical team process that involves members interacting to share ideas, information, and suggestions relevant to the team’s task at hand.

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