This document contains a questions with answers related to Java Enterprise Architecture Exam. Please go through the docs below and let us know your feedback. These are sample questions to understand the exam pattern. As per our understanding, Everyone should prepare well from appropriate books and get the exam questions pattern from here.
This is bad.why you to post exam dump.what happened to traditional study and pass.
This is a sample Question and it is not bad to post question. Everyone should know what kind of Question they are ask so they can prepare well.
I don’t think so anyone pass the exam with the help of dump only. We were solving question papers before going for the main exam.
Yesterday this link was saying “Dump” not sample questions.
Please read below link
Yes, I updated the link as I don’t want anyone just depend on the dump. Also, just reading dump you can just pass the exam but would not become a good developer.
Thanks a lot!