Problem Description
A farmer with a fox, a goose, and a sack of corn needs to cross a river. The farmer
has a rowboat, but there is room for only the farmer and one of his three items. Unfortunately,
both the fox and the goose are hungry. The fox cannot be left alone with the
goose, or the fox will eat the goose. Likewise, the goose cannot be left alone with the
sack of corn, or the goose will eat the corn. How does the farmer get everything
across the river?
P.S – I want you to try solving them before checking the solution. Do share your logic & solutions in the comments. I’d love to see how uniquely can someone think!
1. Farmer and Goose
2. Farmer Returns to Pick the corn bag
3. Farmer and Corn Bag
4. Farmer Returns with goose to pick the fox
5. Farmer and fox
6. Farmer returns to pick Goose.
Thanks a lot! This comments will display once consolidate other answers as well.
1.first take the goose to opposite side so that fox will not eat corn->goose will be in opposite side
2.come back and take the fox to opposite side and take the goose with u back -> only fox will be in opposite side
3.now leave the goose this side and take the corn with you to opposite side ->fox and corn will be in opposite side
4.come back and take the goose to opposite side at last ->All will be in opposite side So, river crossed safely😊