IBM Cúram Framework builds using a various component like Case Management, IEG (Intelligent Evidence Gathering), Verification, Financials etc. The Evidence Management is also one of the important components in IBM Cúram and used extensively by all solutions module provided by IBM Cúram.
The Evidence Management used to gather all facts about participants and Cases which later used by Ruleset to decide eligibility & entitlement.
IBM Cúram used two types of Evidence namely Static and Non-Static Evidence to gather facts, both pieces of evidence are having its Pros and Cons and used based on situations. on facts circumstances.
We will explain to develop new Non-Static Evidence in this tutorial. The Non-Static Evidence also known as Dynamic Evidence. We will use term Dynamic Evidence throughout this tutorial.
There are different types of cases:
- Participant Data Case (PDC)
- Application Case
- Integrated Case
- Product Delivery Case
Dynamic Evidence Development
The Development of Dynamic Evidence is very interesting and easy. The Developer can develop Dynamic Evidence using two ways –
1. Dynamic Evidence Development Using Admin Portal
2. Dynamic Evidence Development Using Predefined XML Schema Language.
Please find a detailed explanation in the following section.
Dynamic Evidence Development Using Admin Portal
The Developer can develop Evidence using Administrator Role. There is IBM Cúram Guide available to develop Evidence.
Dynamic Evidence Development Using Predefined XML Schema Language
As a developer, I always prefer to develop evidence using back end technologies like XML. Also, There are many developers who want and prefers to develop Evidence using Back end Technologies like XML.
It is very easy and straightforward process to develop Dynamic Evidence using XML technologies. Most of the sentence and keywords are common to develop any Dynamic Evidence.
Please follow steps to develop Dynamic Evidence –
There are few standard files involved while developing Dynamic Evidence. Every file is having its own value and reason to add. Please find all important files below –
This Code table file contain newly Evidence Code which we want to develop. Please refer already available Evidences like Address, Identity etc.
Metadata<Evidence Name>.xml:
This XML file is very important and contain important information –
- Model Attribute Information
- Evidence Validation using the file and using Ruleset
- Summary Information
- User Interface for Evidence
Example: Metadata_address.xml
DynEvd<Evidence Name>.properties:
This properties file is very important and contain Label information for User Interface.
For Example Start Date, End Date etc.
The developer can write validation for evidence on the metadata file or can write separate CER Ruleset. Developer has to configure validation Ruleset in CREOLERULESET.dmx file.
The Appresource.dmx file is very important and contains all Dynamic Evidence XML and Properties file information. Dynamic Evidence would not work as long as the developer is not configuring metadata XML file and properties file on App resource file.
Once the configuration is completed then the developer has to configure this evidence with the case type like Application Case, Integration Case, PDC case etc. there is no existence of evidence without configuration with the case type.
This dmx file will configure Evidence Metadata Information.
This dmx file will be configured when Evidence is related to PDC Case. After this configuration Evidence will be available on Evidence Dashboard of PDC case.
This dmx file will be configured when Evidence is related to Integrated Case. After this configuration Evidence will be available on Evidence Dashboard of Integrated case.