This post will help to understand and explain how to give the answer to some important questions which ask in most of the interview process. Most of the interviewer made mistake and not prepare these questions properly. These questions are very important and secure your chance to get the job in that organization. We already know that “First impressions are the most lasting”.
Please find sample answers below and add your answer in the comment box.
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.“
Tell us something about yourself and your experience.
This question is related to your academic and professional experience. The user has to prepare properly and compose it in a word document so they can reply the answer to this question with confidence. Please find sample example below –
Hello Sir,
I am XYZ, I did my Master from NITK Surathkal Karnataka and my graduation from CSJM University Kanpur. I have total 9 Year of experience in various IT Companies. I have good experience in JAVA/J2EE and Curam Framework. I worked on a various project in my entire careers like NCFAST, EEF, JUSIT and Credit Card Application. I worked for companies like eSystems, IBM, Curam, Wipro & Stratify.
Can you tell me about your previous Cúram projects that you were involved in?
This question is very important and setting a groud for your interview and securing your chance to get the job offer. The user has to prepare and document this question properly as it is displaying your depth knowledge of the previous projects in term of business and technical knowledge. Please find sample answer below –
I am working on XYZ Project and it is related social security application which helps Citizen to get the benefits from the government. The Curam Framework has been used to develop this Application and very useful for Citizen as well as for Government.The flow of the application is given below –
- Search and Register Participant in the application.
- Start Application and enter all important information like Age, Sex, Citizenship, Income, Race etc.
- The Business Rule will execute against above participant and will provide the result as eligible or ineligible for the benefit.
What was your role and responsibility in those projects?
This question is also one of the most important questions and the user has to explain about their Roles and Responsibility in the Project and Organization. The Interviewer wants to understand that your profile is matching with the job profile or not. Also, Interviewer wants to understand where you can fit in the Team or Organization as you have potential skills and can benefit the organization. Please find sample answer below –
I and working as a Senior Curam Developer in XYZ company and for XYZ Project. I have played various roles and responsibility which are given below –
– I used to talk to the client to gather the information called Requirement Gathering.
– I am Designing, implementation and assisting to the team to successfully completion of their assignment.
– I am writing Unit Testing so I can help my team to test the Project’s functionality in a proper fashion so we can deliver the project with minimum or no defects.
There are many other important roles and responsibility which I played and currently playing in my organization.
How do you take criticism?
It is a very important question as Interviewer wants to understand your ability to work with a Team. The user should understand and prepare properly for the answer to this question. It is going to display your attitude and Team spirit. The Interviewer always prefers good Team worker in place of the individual worker. Please find sample answer below –
The Positive criticism is not wrong and I always take criticism positively and ready to implement to enhance my technical as well as managerial skills.
I always looking for positive and negative feedback from my supervisor, management, and teammate.
I believe in continuous improvement and follow the same concept in my life as well. it can be personal as well as professional.
What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
During job interviews, there are certain types of questions that interviewer tends to ask, regardless of the position and company. One of the most common interview questions is, “What is your greatest weakness?,” often preceded or followed by, “What is your greatest strength?” These questions can be phrased in lots of different ways, but employers ask them for the same reasons.
With these questions, the Interviewer is trying to determine what qualities you have that will help you succeed in the job if you are hired, as well as what could be problematic.
Please find the sample example below –
My strength is my flexibility to handle change. As customer service manager at my last job, I was able to turn around a negative working environment and develop a very supportive team. As far as weaknesses, I feel that my management skills could be stronger, and I am constantly working to improve them.
Some examples of strengths you might mention include:
“I’ve been told by both managers and co-workers that I am too impatient. When something has been identified as important to do, I want to work on it NOW and finish it as soon as possible. I expect that of myself, and I expect it of my co-workers and subordinates.”
“I have learned to recognize that there are always more things to be done than any of us have time to do, and that we all often have different priorities. So I’ve learned to focus on prioritizing my own work — either by myself or with my manager or team. I actually keep a list, and share the top 5 items on that list with my boss and my team. I find I can get more done this way, am focused on what is most important to my manager, and also have a better relationship with my co-workers and subordinates.”
Why Should We Hire YOU?
The interviewer’s job is to hire the best person for the position. Most of the candidates that make it to the interview stage are qualified for the job. The winning candidate must be more than qualified, especially in a very competitive job market.
Every hire is a risk for the company. Your interviewer will also be taking a personal career risk in recommending a particular candidate to hire. If the candidate performs well, Mr. Interviewer looks brilliant and gets a pat on the back.
If the candidate turns out to be a dud (doesn’t perform well, doesn’t get along with the team, leaves the job prematurely, etc.), the interviewer looks like a dummy and his professional reputation suffers.
With this question, your interviewer is asking you to sell him on you and your status as the best person for the position.
Please find sample answers below –
- I have all the qualities and having knowledge of various technologies and these things are making me eligible to get the job offer.
- You have explained that you are looking for a sales executive who is able to effectively manage over a dozen employees. In my 15 years of experience as a sales manager, I have developed strong motivational and team-building skills. I was twice awarded manager-of-the-year for my innovative strategies for motivating employees to meet and surpass quarterly deadlines. If hired, I will bring my leadership abilities and strategies for achieving profit gains to this position.
If you want to make a good first impression, smile at people. What does it cost to smile? Nothing. What does it cost not to smile? Everything, if not smiling prevents you from enchanting people.
Never forget that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression – with investors, with customers, with PR, and with marketing.
Please provider your feedback and additional questions using comment box.