Introduction: This post explains about eclipse useful and important configuration and setting which required for every developer who used eclipse as primary IDE(Integrated Development Environment) for project development.
Effective Eclipse – Shortcut Keys
The less you touch the mouse, the more code you can write. Below you will find a set of essential keyboard shortcuts that I love for Eclipse.
You should try to keep your hands on the keyboard, because the less you touch the mouse, the more code you can write. With these shortcuts, I am trying to keep the mouse laying still and control the IDE completely using the keyboard. What do you think is faster: pressing ALT + C or right clicking the project, selecting Team -> Commit?
It is said, that if a function does not have a key binding, it is useless. Below you will find a set of essential keyboard shortcuts that I love. These shortcuts are set up by default, so they should all work out of the box.
- CTRL + D: Using this shortcut you can delete entire row from the source code. This easy than pick the mouse and select entire row and delete using right click options.
- ALT + Up/Down Arrow: Using this shortcut user can navigate its code up and down. Also, we can use left and right arrow to move left and right on the page.
- CTRL+SHIFT+O: Organize imports. What happens when you first use a class you have not yet imported? You will see an error. But when you press this magical combination, all your missing classes will be imported, and the unused imports will vanish.
- CTRL+SHIFT+T: This shortcut option helps to search available classes in entire project.
- CTRL+SHIFT+R: This shortcut option helps to search java file in entire project. it does not matter where your java file available means in which package.
- CTRL+E: This shortcut option helps to show all open files in the editor.
- CTRL+F6: Use to move between open editors. This is a slower alternative to Ctrl + E. It comes in handy in a situation when you want to periodically switch between two editors, something that is nearly impossible with Ctrl+E as it sorts entries quite randomly. Or you might just use Alt+Arrows…
- CTRL+F7: Move between views. When in the editor, press Ctrl+F7 to switch to the Package Explorer, or hold Ctrl and press F7 multiple times to switch to other views.
- CTRL+F8: This shortcut option helps to move between prospective like Java, J2EE, Debugs etc.
- CTRL + SHIFT + F: Formats code. You can make beautiful looking code out of a mess with this. It requires a bit of setup, but it is well worth it. You can find its settings under Window->Preferences->Java->Code style->Formatter
- F5: This shortcut option will help to debug program and it step into the code.
- F6: This shortcut option helps to step over while debugging code.
- F7: This shortcut option helps to move to next debug break point.
- F8: This shortcut option helps to stop debugging code.
Update Font And Color
This section helps to change Font and Color of source code like Java, XML, Text File etc.
Please follow steps below to change Font and Color –
Step 1: In order to update Font and Color for your source code you have to navigate Window -> Preferences using top menu on eclipse.
Step 2: After Clicking on Preferences, Preferences window will appear. Type “Font” in text box and it display Color and Fonts option in the window. Select Color and Fonts option then it display option in the right hand side to update.
Step 3: Select any option from the right hand side window and click on Edit Button then it navigate to Fonts and Color window. Using this window user can set Color and Font.
Step 4: Once modification completed then click on OK on Font window. Now user has to click on Apply to activate changes and Finally click on OK to complete the process.