Software Testing Interview Questions


This post explain software testing interview questions with answers. Please go through the tutorial and let us know if you want to add or update any question/answer. Please feel free to send message for any improvement.

Q1. What is the MAIN benefit of designing tests early in the life cycle?
Ans It helps prevent defects from being introduced into the code.
Q2. What is risk-based testing?
Ans Risk-based testing is the term used for an approach to creating a test strategy that is based on prioritizing tests by risk. The basis of the approach is a detailed risk analysis and prioritizing of risks by risk level. Tests to address each risk are then specified, starting with the highest risk first.
Q3.  Can you tell me about yourself?
Ans In my QA career, I have been working on various system platforms and operating systems like Windows 95, Windows 2000, Windows XP and UNIX. I have tested applications developed in Java, C++, Visual Basic and so on. I have tested Web-based applications as well as client server applications.

As a QA person, I have written Test Plans, Test Cases, attended walkthrough meetings with the Business Analysts, Project Managers, Business Managers and QA Leads. Attended requirement review meetings and provided feedback to the Business Analysts. I have worked in different databases like Oracle and DB2, wrote SQL queries to retrieve data from the database.

As far as different types of testing is concerned, I have performed Smoke Testing, Functional Testing, Backend Testing, BlackBox Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing and UAT (User Acceptance Testing) Testing. I have participated in Load Testing and Stress Testing.

I have written defects as they are found using ClearQuest and TestDirector. Once the defects were fixed, retested them and if the passed, closed them. If the defects were not fixed, then reopened them. I have also attended the defect assessment meetings as necessary.

In the meantime, a continuous interaction with developers was necessary.

This is pretty much what I have been doing as a QA person.


Q4.  What did you do in your last project?
Ans In my last project, the application was a web-based application developed in Java platform. As a QA Person, I wrote Test Plans from the requirement documents and Use Cases. I performed Smoke Testing, Functional Testing, Backend Testing, BlackBox Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing and UAT (User Acceptance Testing). I have participated in Load Testing and Stress Testing. I attended several walkthrough meetings for requirement reviews and provided feedback to the Business Analysts. Mostly, I was in the backend testing, which required writing SQL queries directly to the database.

Besides these, I wrote defects using ClearQuest. Once the defects were fixed, retested them and if the passed, closed them. If the defects were not fixed, then reopened them.


Q5.  What is the KEY difference between preventative and reactive approaches to testing?
Ans  Preventative tests are designed early; reactive tests are designed after the software has been produced.


Q6.  Have you written Test Plan? What is a Test Plan? What does it include?

A Test Plan is a document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended testing activities. It identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks and who will do each task (roles and responsibilities) and any risks and its solutions.

What does it include? A Test Plan includes Heading, Revision History, Table of Contents, Introduction, Scope, Approach, Overview, different types of testing that will be carried out, what software and hardware will be required, issues, risks, assumptions and sign off section.


Q7 Have you written a Test Case?


What is a Test Case? What does it include?

A Test Case is a document that describes step by step process how to test the application. A Test Case includes Test Case ID, Steps Description, Expected Output, Actual Output, Pass/Fail, Remarks.

Q8.  What is the purpose of exit criteria?

 The purpose of exit criteria is to define when a test level is completed.


Q9.  What document did you refer to write the Test Cases?
Ans  Requirement document.
Q10. Did you have a situation where you did not have any documents (no requirement document, no Use Cases, or no Design Document) and you had to write the Test Cases? How did you write the Test Cases?

Yes. I have been to that kind of scenarios several times. There were companies where they had no documents at all. In that case, I had to discuss the application scenario and functionalities with the Business Analysts or developer. I kind of prepared a document in consultation with Business Analysts and Developers and then started writing Test Cases.


Q11.  What is Software Development Life Cycle?

The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application.

It includes the following different stages:

1.  Requirement Gathering
2.  Designing
3.  Coding
4.  Testing
5.  Release
6.  Maintenance

Q12.  What determines the level of risk?

 Level of risk determine by the severity of the defect or event and how much it is impacting our system. if even or defect is not able to processed and impacting other features or behaviors to blocker then it is high risk. Even or Defect is not blocking other issues but the current flow only then it count as low or medium risk.


Q13.  What is Software Testing Life Cycle?

Software Testing is having it’s own life cycle and it can vary depend on project to project. Please find example as given below –

  • Requirement Analysis
  • Test Planning – Plan the test execution Date and phases and categories test based on priority
  • Writing Test Cases
  • Review the Test Cases
  • Executing the Test Cases
  • Bug logging and tracking
  • Close or Reopen bugs


Q14.  What is Build?

 Development code in a specified package and ready for deployment is called Build. in software development process a team provide a lot of Build to tester so they can test parallel.

Infrastructure team used to deploy new build into the server and tester will test the smoke and regression test before starting executing test cases for new or updated functionality.


Q15.  What is Test Strategy?
Ans  A test strategy is an outline that describes the testing approach of the software development cycle. It is created to inform project managers, testers, and developers about some key issues of the testing process.
Q16.  What is Business Requirement Document?
Ans  Business Requirement Document contain information regarding production detailed functionality. It contain information related to user point of view like how it works and what input required to add a records or update a records.
Q17. What are different types of software testing?

There are many type of software testing available, it is up to project requirement to accept whch type of testing they want to execute. please find some common testing type below –

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • System Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Beta Testing
Q18.  What is SQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems. SQL statements are used to retrieve and update data in a database. SQL works with database programs like MS Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, etc.

Unfortunately, there are many different versions of the SQL language, but to be in compliance with the ANSI standard, they must support the same major keywords in a similar manner (such as SEWhat is a Primary Key?LECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE, and others).

Q19.  What is a Primary Key?

 In a database table, the Primary Key is a column which has a unique value for each of the row within that column. It can’t have NULL value.


Q20.  What is a Unique Key?
Ans  In a database table, the Unique Key is a column which may or may not have null value of each of the row within that column.
Q21.  What is Data?
Ans  Data is number, character or image which has some information.


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