eclipse: Import and Export Java & Junit Program(s) on eclipse


This tutorial helps to export and import Java/Junit Program(s) from one eclipse to other instance of eclipse. In real life we have to create different-different workspace due to version change, production release, team change etc. User has to update the eclipse workspace and again set all Java/Junit program like standalone or batches to new instance of eclipse to accomplish basic day to day activities. Developer has to spend quality of time to achieve this if there are many Java/Junit needs to configure. Please don’t worry about losing of your previous Java/Junit configuration as eclipse is having export and import these configuration from instance of eclipse to other very easily and quickly. Please follow steps as given below to export and import all your Java/Junit program(s) from one instance of eclipse to others.

Steps to Export Java/Junit Program(s)

Here, we will learn how to export java/junit program(s) from eclipse instance. Please follow below steps –

  • Navigate to eclipse instance where java/junit program(s) were configured and launched the eclipse.
  • Navigate to Project Explorer area once eclipse is Up and running.

  • Right click on project explorer area, User will be able to see many options along with Import and Export.
  • Click on Export option from the list, it will navigate to Export screen.
  • Select Run/Debug option if it is directly visible on your eclipse otherwise type “Run/Debug” on type filter text area.

  • By clicking on toggle button (), User will be able to see Breakpoints & Launch Configurations option.
  • Select Launch & Configurations option and click on Next button.

  • Once Clicked on Next button then “Export Launch Configurations” screens will display with many options like Ant Build, Java Applet, Java Application, Junit, Program etc. Note: Please see below description for more information.

  • Please select appropriate Launch Configuration Types to export. Also, provide location where User wants to store generated export file and click on Finish button.
  • After Clicking on Finish button, Navigate to given location and see many launch files got created.

  • Export are completed and ready for Import.

Launch Configuration Type Description:

Ant Build: Option’s to export Ant Build files configured in your eclipse.

Java Applet: Option’s to export Java Applet files which are already configured in your eclipse.

Java Application: Option’s to export Java Application Program like Java with main method or Batch Programs.


Steps to Import Java/Junit Program(s)

Here, we will learn how to import java/junit program(s) from eclipse instance, please follow below steps –

  • Navigate to eclipse instance where java/junit program(s) needs to configure and launched the eclipse.
  • Navigate to Project Explorer area once eclipse is Up and running.
  • Right click on project explorer area, User will be able to see many options along with Import and Export.

  • Select Import option as we have to import Java/Junit Configuration.
  • Click on Import option from the list, it will navigate to Import screen.
  • Select Run/Debug option if it is directly visible on your eclipse otherwise type “Run/Debug” on type filter text area.

  • By clicking on toggle button (), User will be able to see Breakpoints & Launch Configurations options.

  • Select Launch & Configurations option and click on Next button.
  • Using Browse button. please Navigate the folder where User store export files.
  • Once correct Directory selected then folder with check box will appear on left hand side window.

  • Select check box then User will be able to see all available files which you can import in your eclipse instance.
  • User can uncheck some files if they don’t want to import all files. it is upto User.
  • Click on Finish button to complete your imports.
  • To verify Import, Please Navigate to “Run Configuration” and User will be able to verify all import very easily and quickly.

  • Import completed.

Hope, you like the tutorial. Please provide your valuable feedback to enhance our blogs and motivate team.



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