Lost Dedication From Work Environment

Every time when I sit idle and think about my work and work environment, I feel very sad about the way people are working and not focusing on their work. In place of dedication toward work, they always care about their personal things in work hours. Seriousness and dedication are gone from most of the industries workers. people are just working to earn more and more money without putting any effort. People know there will be one person in the management who likes buttering and they do buttering all the time and survive their jobs. These kinds of activity demoralize the truly dedicated resource and forcing them to think twice before starting any new assignment with dedication. Truly dedicated resources should never disappoint as there is always a hope and we know one-day management will understand the real value and recognize the true gems of the organization. We as a truly dedicated resource should always follow the proper process and make sure we not converting you like other side people who just survive their job.
Dedication is an extraordinarily quality and help to develop many other important qualities. I am closing here and hoping that all dedicated resource would not lose their hope and will perform extra ordinarily in their respective area and every time they beat himself in their performance.

******* Where there’s a will, there’s a way **********


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