Software Tester Interview Questions for Entry and Mid Level – Part1


This blog helps to contain all important questions which asked during an interview for Software Tester profile. As We know, Software Tester Job is very critical and important. Also, Software Tester profile is a mix of Business Analyst, Tester, Developer and Architect. Most of the testers are not sure about the question which S/he is going to facing during the interview.
Please find all questions and provide the answer using the comments section.


Q1. How would you describe yourself?

Q2. What motivates you to succeed?

Q3. What are your short-term job goals?

Q4. What are your long term job goals?

Q5. What is Priority and Severity in Defect Management?

Q6. Can you please explain the criteria to set Severity and Priority of a defect?

Q7. What is test Case?

Q8. What is basis for test case review?

Q9. Can you please explain the contents of SRS documents?

Q10. is there any difference between Web Application Testing and Client Server testing, please explain?

Q11. Which software or tool you used to raise a defect or Bug?

Q12. Can you explain me you current project and it’s architecture?

Q13. Can explain me Defect or Bug Life Cycle?

Q14. How you can decide the number of test cases is enough for testing the given module?

Q15. What is the difference between Retesting and Data Driven Testing?

Q16. What is regression testing?

Q17. How many test cases you write per day?

Q18. What are the difference between Normal Testing Process and Regression Testing?

Q19. Do you know SQL Query?

Q20. What is Positive and Negative Testing, Explain?

Q21. Have you ever get a chance to do Performance Testing? What is it and how to do?

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