Study of English Tenses.


Tenses means a form of verb that specifies (point) a time.In grammar, tense is the time of a verb’s action or state of being, such as present or past.It is of three kind :-

S. No. Tense
1. Present tense
2. Past tense
3. Future tense

PRESENT TENSE:  It  is that period of time which is occurring  now.It expresses that action which                                             exist now.


He plays tennis.
    He goes to market.

Please click on below link to know more about present tense.

PRESENT TENSE EXPLANATION                                                                  

PAST TENSE: It is that period of time which has got over or in other words you can say an action that was existed earlier.


                   I played chess.
                   I wrote a book.

Please click on below link to know more about present tense.


FUTURE TENSE: It tells about that action for which we hope to take place in the upcoming time or in other words you can say an action which is going to exist later.


He will play tennis.
              He will read the novel.

Please click on below link to know more about present tense.


Now these three kinds of tenses are further divided into four kinds of tenses:

S.No.                     PRESENT  TENSE    PAST  TENSE  FUTURE   TENSE
1.   Present Indefinite   Past  Indefinite    Future indefinite
2.   Present perfect   Past  perfect   Future perfect
3.   Present continuous   Past continuous   Future continuous
4.   Present perfect continuous   Past perfect continuous


  Future perfect continuous



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