Important Build Targets
******************* Generic ***********************
- wsconnector step generates client stub connectors for outbound web services from .wsdl (WSDL is an acronym for Web Service Definition Language) files registered in the configuration file, <SERVER_DIR>/project/config/webservices_config.xml.
- wsconnector2 Generates client stub connectors for outbound Axis2 web services from the registered WSDL files.
- emx2xml – this extracts an intermediate XML representation from a Cúram application UML model.
- modelgen – this generates source code and other artefacts from the XML representation of a Cúram application model. It also deletes any artefacts that are no longer represented in the model.
- msggen – this merges the message file definitions according to the component order and generates source code and properties from the resultant message definitions.
- ctgen – this merges the code table definitions according to the component order and generates source code from the resultant code table definitions.
- evgen – this merges the event definitions according to the component order and generates source code from the resultant event definitions.
- compile.generated – this compiles any generated source code that doesn’t depend on the impl directory.
- compile.implemented – this compiles all hand-crafted source code and any generated code that wasn’t built during the compile.generated step. Again this step uses an augmented version of Ant ‘s dependency checker to minimize the build time.
********************** CREOLE ***************************
- creole.check.initial.database – Checks the structure of rule set XML data uploaded from DMX files and runs lax validation.
- creole.compile.test.classes – Compiles the test classes generated from the CREOLE rule sets.
- creole.consolidate.resource – Consolidates together resource bundles for CREOLE rule sets.
- creole.consolidate.rulesets – Inlines any included CREOLE rule sets and consolidates the rule sets into one build directory.
- creole.copyresourceto.cls – Copies resource files for CREOLE rule sets into the build\svr\cls directory.
- creole.generate.catalog – Generates an XML catalog file for CREOLE rule sets.
- creole.generate.ruledoc – Generates rule documentation for all CREOLE rule sets.
- creole.generate.schema – Generates an XML schema file for CREOLE rule sets.
- creole.generate.test.classes – Generates test classes from the CREOLE rule sets.
- – Reports CREOLE rule set coverage information gathered from CREOLE rule executions.
- – Reports CREOLE rule attributes which are not used directly by any other rule attributes.
- creole.upload.rulesets – Uploads new CREOLE rule sets and/or changes to existing CREOLE rule sets to the database.
- creole.validate.rulesets – Performs full validation of all CREOLE rule sets.
***************Evidence Generation******************
- egtools.assign.resourceID – Allocate resourceID values for the Create Wizard AppResource.dmx.
- egtools.clean – Calls on the EG Tool to delete all generated components.
- egtools.client.clean – Calls on the EG Tool to delete all generated client evidence screens on the product.
- egtools.client.generate – Generate target for client evidence generation.
- egtools.generate – Main generate target for evidence generator. Generates all evidence components.
- egtools.server.clean – Calls on the EG Tool to delete all generated components on the server.
- egtools.server.generate – Generate target for server evidence generation.
- egtools.wizard.dmx – Generate target for creation of AppResource.dmx for Create Wizard pages.
- post.modelgen – Calls on the EG Tool to perform any steps required after the modelgen.
- – APPRESOURCE.dmx gets appended to by each product’s evidence generation. This adds the root node ‘table’.
- – INITIALAPPRESOURCE.dmx gets appended to by each product’s evidence generation. This adds a root node to make a valid xml file.
- – Product.xml gets appended to by each product’s evidence generation. This adds the root node ‘products’.
- build.all.component.dirs – Builds all components.
- build.all.evidence.dirs – Builds all evidence directories.
- build.evidencebroker.resources – Builds the evidencebroker resources for domains and labels.
- call.egtools.transformer – Calls on the XSLT transformer.
- generate.resolve.scripts – Calls any XSLT transformations that require the cross products summary defined in Products.xml.
- makedir – Creates directory structure for an evidenceEntities.xml file in the EJBServer/build folder if none exists. Should only be necessary if an appbuild clean has been performed.
- javadoc – Produce the Java Documentation (JavaDoc) from the application. To produce useful JavaDoc, comments must have been placed in the model as well as in the code.
- apijavadoc – Generates the javadoc for black/grey box components, this is based on the files.
***************** Deployment Targets *****************
A number of extra targets exist which allow an application to be deployed on an application server. These commands are fully described in the Cúram Deployment Guide, but a summary is provided here.
- weblogicEAR – Produce an .ear file that can be deployed on WebLogic.
- websphereEAR – Produce an .ear file that can be deployed on WebSphere Application Server.
- weblogicWebServices – Produce an .ear file that can be deployed on WebLogic that supports Web Services invocation.
- websphereWebServices – Produce an .ear file that can be deployed on WebSphere that supports Web Services invocation.
- weblogicEARGSS – Build GSS ear for WebLogic
- websphereEARGSS – Build GSS ear for WebSphere Application Server
- configure – Automatically configures the application server.
- installapp – Installs and starts a specified EJB application. (Note: the EAR file (Curam.ear) containing the server module must be deployed before installing any other (client-only) EAR files.)
- precompilejsp – Precompiles all JSPs in the specified .ear file.
- – Must be run after the database target is run and before starting the application server for the first time. Failing to run this sequence will likely result in transaction timeouts during first login and a failure to initialize and access the application. Whenever the database target is rerun (e.g. in a development environment) this target must also be rerun.
- startserver – Starts an application server.
- restartserver – Restarts an application server.
- stopserver – Stops an application server.
- uninstallapp – Stops and uninstalls the specified EJB application.
************* Workflow Targets **************
- validateworkflows – supports validation of the workflow process definition files in the specified directory. The property ‘workflow.dir’ has to be specified when invoking the target.
- validateallworkflows – performs validation of all workflow process definitions files in the Cúram application.
- validateworkflow – supports validation of the specified workflow process definition file. The property ‘workflow.file’ has to be specified when invoking this target.
- importworkflow – Import a workflow process definition
- importworkflows – Import the workflow definitions in the specified directory
- listworkflows – List all process definitions available in the database.
I have question on RuleSet Targets .Why we call “CREOLE ” in RuleSet .Is any specific meaning associated with this or just terminology they used .Looking for answer on this .
BTW – Thanks for your effort providing all build targets in one place .It will be helpful all curam developers to check all build targets at one place .Thank you very much
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