IBM Curam Ant Targets Video Explanation

Introduction: This post explains about IBM Curam Ant Targets. As everyone knows there are some basic targets and those targets are having sub targets. Developer has to use those sub targets to reduce application build time. Below videos will explain ant targets and its benefits, please enjoy videos and send your valuable comments to improve future release. Thanks a lot 🙂


IBM Curam Targets Video 1:


IBM Curam Targets Video 2:

This video will explain IBM Curam Build targets like clean and Code table generation.

IBM Curam Targets Video 3:

This video will explain IBM Curam Build targets like message generation.


IBM Curam Targets Video 4:

This video will explain IBM Curam Build targets related to model changes for facades.


IBM Curam Targets Video 5:

This video will explain IBM Curam Build targets related to model changes for service layer and entity.


IBM Curam Targets Video 6:

This video will explain IBM Curam Build targets related to event generation, handcrafted java and dmx file.


IBM Curam Targets Video 7:

This video will explain IBM Curam Build targets related changing application view like .app, .sec, .ssp & uim, vim etc.


IBM Curam Targets Video 8:

This video will explain IBM Curam Build targets related to generic files changes.


Thanks a lot everyone for supporting and liking my videos. Please let me know if you need more information about any other build targets. 🙂 

5 thoughts on “IBM Curam Ant Targets Video Explanation”

  1. you could have used only 2-3 videos max and with a little bit pace in less time finished it.
    More over who so ever is watching it knows about curam so you don’t have to detail everything out for e.g.
    Application Navigation, DMX files , modelling etc…
    you could have said

    any change in *.nav, *.sec. *.mnu , *.ssp requires build inserttabconfiguration and move on.

    I started watching it and got annoyed because of lengthyness of the videos.

    But Last

    You are doing an awesome job, I have not seen many people sharing knowledge in Curam world.
    I really liked some videos but all needs little bit corrections here and there. Also you can use digital pen.

    1. Thanks a lot for your valuable comments. Actually We are creating all tutorials for experience as well as for fresher who joined in curam from other technologies or college.

      Thanks a lot for your comment, we will consider your point in future.

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