IBM Cúram – GC Overhead Issue While Uploading Rulesets

The user can validate and upload a Ruleset directly using the Ant Target “creole.validate.rulesets” and “creole.upload.rulesets” respectively. There is one error appear for most of the developer and it would not allow completing the Ant Command. Even though, if the developer is running any other rules related command, it will throw the same kinds of error.
Please find the error logs which appeared while executing to Upload a Ruleset.

GC Overhead Error Log

Java Heap Space Error Log


The developer can resolve the above problem by using and below steps –

  • Navigate to setenv.cmd or any other file which contains all Project Level Configuration. The developer will find this file immediate under the main project along with EJBServer, CuramCDEJ, CuramSDEJ etc.
  • Open the the command file and set the proper ANT_OPTS variable.
  • Configure Set ANT_OPTS= -Xms1024m -Xmx3G memory allocation and try to upload or validate the rulesets again.

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