UML Modeler Fragment Example Using RSA


Unified Modeling Language (UML) helps to model classes and their dependencies which generate all required artifacts at build time. UML helps to minimize development effort with almost zero mistakes and also helps to greatly reduce development time span. IBM Cúram uses Rational Software Architect to model classes and its dependencies using UML modeling concepts.

IBM Cúram uses modeling extensively and totally depends on it for development. When we start modeling, it creates emx file which contains all package information related to modeling which we have done. As it just creates emx file and all code will be added here so it would not allow multiple developers to work on a model at the same time. To overcome this issue RSA supports fragment functionality, which basically helps developers to work on a model at the same time.

Fragment allows developers to create separate efx file for their package so their code will be added to efx file instead of emx file. Only the first time (at fragment creation) efx file information will be appended to emx file and thereafter only corresponding efx file will be impacted. As long as only a specific efx file is impacted it allows multiple developers to work on the same model at the same time.

Model Fragment is a very convenient and useful functionality and it takes only a few minutes to set up and complete. It enables high code maintainability and extensibility.

We will use IBM Curam Project to explain Fragment functionality with Example.



Fragment Example


Please follow below steps to create fragment when working on an IBM Cúram Project –

  • Launch Rational Software Architect.

  • Import EJB Project in RSA and do the needful configuration for Cúram models.
  • Open Modeling Prospective as it provides suitable look and feels for modeling to view.

  • Navigate model folder and create Model as Sample using right click on model folder. It creates another emx file and will be appended to parent emx file. Please find screenshot below –



  • Navigate Sample model to create new package name Sample
    • Right Click on Sample Model folder and navigate to add class option to add new package. Please find screenshot below –




  • Once Package created, Developer has to Fragment this package so a separate efx file will be created and parent emx or efx file just include its location. In order to create fragment for package, please right click on package and navigate to Refactor option and click on Create Fragment


  • By clicking on Create Fragment it navigate to create fragment home page and developer will be able to save fragment. Before executing this step please create folder under your model where you want to save efx file in your systems. Refresh EJBServer project in order to show newly created folder. Please find screenshot below –

  • Once OK button is clicked it creates Sample.efx file under model/sample/package location in the filesystem.


We continue working with fragment as long as we create new package and want to make project more maintainable.




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